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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2019-12-10  浏览次数:299
核心提示:    Courtesy of Steven Holl Architects  Steven Holl Architects has been commissioned to design a new 26,000 sm hy


  Courtesy of Steven Holl Architects

  Steven Holl Architects has been commissioned to design a new 26,000 sm hybrid building of offices and retail for CIFI Group in Beijing. The mixed-use complex will be Steven Holl Architects’ second building in Beijing.


  The design for the hybrid building is based on five central points:


  - Light 光线

  - Structure 结构

  - Urban Porosity and Gardens 城市空间通透性,景观及生态设计

  - Open Office结构开放式办公

  - Ecology and Gardens生态及景观



  Courtesy of Steven Holl Architects

  Varying qualities of light give this office and retail building a unique geometry and shape dynamic spaces. The north light curves — in response to code setback requirements — provide soft and evenly diffused light to the interiors on the upper floors. On the south facade, sculpted cuts bring light to the office spaces and to retail below grade.

  光的设计赋予了这个商办建筑独特的外形和空间。北面的曲线屋面既回应了北侧居民楼建筑间距要求, 又给室内灵活的空间提供了柔和均匀的漫射光线。南立面的雕塑式切口巧妙地将光线引入到办公空间及地下商业空间。

  The north light curves will be developed together with Okalux. The structure consists of four layers: a glass exterior laid over truss, secondary tubes, and an interior layer of translucent barrisol or newmat.




  Courtesy of Steven Holl Architects

  The exterior concrete structure helps to allow for flexibility in interior space. The top levels of the building will house flexible open office space. The aluminum-painted concrete will be OSB formed, contrasting the smooth, matte finish of the north light curves.


  The retail at grade is shaped around reflecting pools and gardens, giving the building an inspiring urban porosity and a pedestrian-friendly scale. Rainwater recycling in the pools and state-of-the-art ecological systems are envisioned to amplify the sustainable quality of the building.


  The new building will be located in Fengtai, Beijing, and will be Steven Holl Architects’ second mixed-use building in the city.


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